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Viewing with Multiple Chess Boards

In case one tabbed board is not enough, Lantern Chess can open additional board windows as the user observes more games, e.g., for a chess broadcast. (This option remains supported only for observing, and considered deprecated for playing.) The user may need to resize and arrange the board windows, as they can appear on top of each other.

To enable the opening of additional board windows along with new board tabs, the user can uncheck Tabs Only in the Board / Advanced menu (this setting is in the Game menu prior to version 5.51). Note that each board window can show any of the games the user is observing, if the appropriate tab is selected on it. The user may wish to create two or three boards and then re-select Tabs Only to have the rest of the observed games become new tabs in the existing board windows. When a board window is closed, that also closes the tab that it was open to.

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